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Tue 14 May 2024

Waddle At Home With Share Links!

Whether your class is addicted to acing the species tongue twister, or you’re prepping for a project on Antarctica, or even just wanting something to smile about –  our brand-new Penguins! song is WELL worth a share.
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Tue 07 May 2024

Sparkyard As An Aid To Learning

Did you know that Sparkyard has a wealth of learning resources for every day and any time of the year, in and out of the classroom? Whatever the occasion, there’s a song to be sung, a resource to discover and an idea to try!
Wed 01 May 2024

Using Sparkyard: The Power Of A Song

Every song on Sparkyard has its own song page designed to support not only your class’s musical education, but also other curriculum learning, wellbeing and more.
Tue 19 Mar 2024

Top 10 Songs For The Spring Term

The spring term is full of Easter preparations, spring optimism, new topics to explore and chilly weather — and Sparkyard has songs for all of these! With over 1000 songs to discover, it can be exciting (if a little overwhelming!) deciding where to start.
Tue 21 Nov 2023

The recent music subject report from Ofsted

Hear from Antony Copus (our Head of Development, Education and Partnerships) with his views on the recent music subject report from Ofsted.
Thu 07 Sep 2023

Sparkyard And SEND – A Case Study

In my opinion, singing is as important within a classroom setting as pencils and rubbers. I am yet, after 20 years of teaching, to find any negative impact. It is achievable by all, regardless of ability of SEN and encourages a sense of self-belief.

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Sparkyard HQ Units F1 & F2

Kingsway Business Park Oldfield Road, Hampton, TW12 2HD, UK

©2023 Out of the Ark Ltd